Wheatland’s Hot Lunch program is one of the primary fundraisers run by Parent Council (PAC) volunteers. Money raised through Hot Lunch will support a variety of school programs and activities enjoyed by all students at Wheatland. We will continue to place our orders through the user-friendly website Hotlunches.net
Since personal information is not retained from year to year, you will need to create a new account and link your students to their new classes. If you do not have access to the internet there will be a computer available in the school’s library.
To order Hot Lunch Online, follow these simple steps:
Register your child(ren) by visiting wheatland.hotlunches.net
Click the "REGISTER" tab and enter the school access code: WEHL (use only upper case letters), then fill out remaining fields. You may choose your own User ID and password. It is important to supply your email address as the system will generate emails to let you know what you have ordered and remind you when to order again.
Once all fields are completed, click “REGISTER NOW”. Follow the instructions for linking your child(ren) to the appropriate classroom.
A useful Parent Instruction Guide with additional information is available under the “HELP” tab on the top of the page.
You will only be allowed to place orders during the specified order weeks. Please see order dates for each month at the bottom of the page.
All Hot Lunch payments will be processed online through Bambora (credit card payments) or E-transfer.
No late orders are accepted and payment is due by midnight on theorder cut-off date eachmonth.No refunds are given if your child is absent from school on a Hot Lunch day.
We are very grateful to our team of volunteers that make Hot Lunch possible every week.
In order to continue to offer Hot Lunch twice a week, volunteers are needed. It’s fun, straightforward and training is provided!
For Hot Lunch questions/payment inquiries/website inquiries and/or volunteer information
please email Taylor at wes.pac.hot.lunch@gmail.com
Hot Lunch Order Weeks:
October - Ordering available September3-15
March - Ordering available February 1-15
November - Ordering available October 1-15
April - Ordering available March 1-15
December - Ordering available November 1-15
May - Ordering available April 1-15
January - Ordering available December 1-15
June - Ordering available May 1-15
February - Ordering available January 1-15
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